Blue will be in fashion
Better not to be caught unprepared and run for cover wearing something blue, such as this shirt that, in addition to being fashionable, goes to slim your silhouette. Impossible not to wear this shirt with a pair of stiletto heels, maybe sandals, why not, no one forbids you anything, and you will surely find the size for you!
Don’t give up on your forms
Your shapes are beautiful, and there is no problem in highlighting them, especially considering the fact that you will surely have a spectacular butt! So why not put it inside a sheath dress and go out one for an evening with your friends to have an aperitif or go dancing? I’m sure the guy you’ve been chasing for some time will definitely notice you that night!
Wear a chiffon dress
Another trend for next autumn will be flared sleeves, and you shouldn’t miss them. You can find this dress in three different colors: pink, black and beige. This dress can come in handy for going to work or going out shopping with friends or with your boyfriend. I would complete it with a nice pair of boots and a mini bag!
Cover yourself from the cold
Autumn brings cold and obviously the need to cover yourself from the first cold winds when you go out in the evening. So, if you need to buy a coat that in the end can be used just in case, you should opt for a soft color that looks good on everything, from crop tops to sweatshirts, jeans or dresses!
Opt for something elegant
Like any self-respecting woman, we all have something elegant to wear that makes us feel like the real queens of the evening. I believe that it is difficult for any woman to find something better than this black dress, which highlights every beautiful aspect of your body.
Don’t give up on your jeans
Every year, during this period, I find myself forced to buy pants too. The cause? The butt that gets bigger is normal, so you don’t have to give up for any reason in the world to your skinny jeans to use over a pair of stiletto heels and a crop top. Super sexy style, to scare all those rude girls who thought you were insecure because of your body!
Nobody forbids you the two pieces
Yes, no one forbids you to wear a nice two-piece to enhance your décolleté and your butt with a skirt and a nice V-neck crop top. And if we assume that the skirt has a slit, I don’t see why you should stay still and not make the purchase!
Use a Denim Jacket
I have mentioned the heavy coat before, which, if you think about it, is not always needed, especially in September and with the first autumn periods. So why not think of a black denim jacket that fits perfectly with any outfit? The choice is yours!