No matter what your real hair`s texture is, you can make almost any type of hairstyle as long as your hair is in great condition. Making sure that your hair is always healthy, smooth and manageable makes it easy to style. Having great hair is definitely the first step to trying out a variety of braids. Here are some tips on how you can achieve any hairstyle by having excellently healthy hair:
- Choose a Shampoo with Vitamins
Biotene H-24 Natural Shampoo with Biotin for
Naturally Thicker, Fuller Hair (8.5 Fluid Ounces)
Souce: https://www.vitaminshoppe.com/
Source: https://www.sephora.com/
In achieving a healthy and supple hair, it always starts with the products you use to clean your hair. Choosing a shampoo with vitamins for hair growth and nourishment will help your hair grow beautifully naturally. There are a ton of shampoo products with vitamins so checking the ingredients and labels is especially important.
- Carefully Comb your Hair with Wide Tooth Comb
Source: https://www.tekitalyus.com/
Combs with small tooth or narrow teeth will make it difficult for you to comb your hair especially when it`s no longer wet.
Opt for a wide tooth comb to make combing your hair easier. This way, you can also prevent unnecessary hair breakage and hair fall.
Use a T-Shirt or Hair Towel to Dry your Hair
Contrary to popular belief, the towels we use for our body can actually strip off the oils and nourishment of our hair. Hence, using a thin t-shirt or a towel specifically for your hair is a better option.
Using cotton t-shirts or hair towels will prevent dry and frizzy hair.
Source: https://www.verishop.com/
- Protect your Hair with SPF
We usually only use SPF on our face or body. However, wearing a protective serum with high SPF on our hair is as equally important to prevent it from being too dry, frizzy and dull.
Always make sure that all the products you`re putting on your scalp and hair must have safe ingredients which will benefit your hair in the long run.
Source: https://www.sephora.cn/
- Regularly Condition your Hair with Masks
Hair masks are excellent hair products to provide your hair with the nourishment it needs. You can use hair mask at least 1-2 times a week for better results.
There are different types of hair masks depending on what your hair needs. If your hair lacks shine, opt for masks with vitamins. If your hair is prone to damage, look for hair masks with strengthening ingredients. Choosing hair masks based on the season and needs of your hair will help you style or braid your hair in any way you want.
Source: https://www.sephora.com/
- Trim your Hair Regularly
Have you ever wanted those long and beautiful hair but can`t achieve it because of split ends? Contrary to popular belief, trimming your hair will actually help your hair grow longer. This is because most of us have a limit as to when the hair slowly stops growing. Hence, trimming your hair will promote healthy hair by cutting off dead and dull hair on the ends.

Source: https://samshears.com/
With braiding, strong hair is a necessity. Using shampoos and hair masks with excellent ingredients, combing your hair with wide teeth, using a cotton shirt or hair towel, protecting your hair with SPF, and trimming your hair regularly will definitely help you grow your hair healthily allowing you to do a variety of braids.