Have you ever wondered why we paint our nails? In this day and age, it is a symbol of self-care and also a way to express ourselves. Who hasn’t flaunted their fresh luxurious manicured that you just indulged in or any DIY one if you were feeling a bit artsy?
Did you know, that the origin and the initial inspiration people got to paint their fingertips weren’t as glamorous as they’re now. It used to be a representation of one’s place in society. They also sometimes told the world that you were actually preparing for war.
It is believed that we have been tinting our nails as far back as 5000 B.C.E. People back then would be decorating their fingertips with henna. Later, Babylonian warriors would have had their nails lacquered before going to battle. It is also believed that the soldier with a higher rank would have worn black coloring and the rest of the soldiers would wear green.
Later, in China, around 3000 B.C.E, they made boldly colored nail tints with egg whites, gelatin, beeswax, and vegetable dyes. In this case, not all colors were allowed for everyone. Some colors would be a distinction between being royalty and your rank.
Wow, that’s honestly impressive. But what we know now as a manicure service mostly began with King Louis Philippe of France in the mid-1800s. One, at then Mary E. Cobb, studied the art of the French nail care and opened her own salon where she used her own manicure system. It didn’t include polished since it wasn’t invented yet as we know, but she sold her own creation, that gave nails a subtle and healthy rosy tint.
Nowadays, people can get very luxurious manicures that might make them look as luxurious as their nails, some just want to have shiny vibrant nails and some others try the weirdest yet amazing designs too.
Whatever you choose, it depends on what you like and also a little bit on your skin color. Why? Because some colors will be more noticeable than others depending on that. When it comes to colors to wear during summertime, the ones to wear go from pastels to neon in general, with mostly pink, yellow, and orange taking the lead.
When it comes to nail art itself, you can choose from summery fruits like pineapples, lemons, oranges. As well as flowers and beach plants. Stars, uneven lines in different colors. Even a French manicure with the tips using pastel colors. Some beachy images like starfishes will be a great option for nail art for the summer season.
Remember that whatever you choose has to make you happy and at some point, if possible, be a good match to what you are going to wear. Maybe match your clothes and outfit to your manicure. You have to like whatever style you’re choosing, whether it is a simple monochromatic color or a cute flowery or fruity design. Even if you wear some swirls inspired by the 70s and the disco style.