Sneakers have become the best friends of those girls that even if they love wearing heels, they can’t really wear them, just like me. Don’t get me wrong there are some heels that I own and can walk with, but sneakers tend to be my to-go kind of shoes.
And after lockdown during the pandemic, they have become, next to slippers, also everyone’s best friends too. Because what was the point of wearing heels if you were probably working from your bed or your kitchen counter right?

Like with every type of shoe, it is important that you choose sneakers that are comfortable to walk, that also feel comfortable and if possible, that is also as stylish are you are.
Even if we can wear sneakers all year long, there are definitively some sneakers that are just perfect for spring. During spring, we tend to be outside our houses more than we do in winter or autumn. I mean who wants to be outside when it’s always cold and snowy? Nobody right? Your house and your heater are the best.

So, during spring we tend to be outside the home more, running errands, and meeting friends and for that, we need comfortable sneakers to be around. And choosing them shouldn’t be something hard for you to do.
How to choose the right sneaker for spring?
Nowadays, there are sneakers that seem like they are more athletic but serve very well for just casual wear. It’s important that you know what brands offer these kinds of sneakers. A good example, is New Balance, Adidas, and Nike.
How do you know which sneakers are athletic but also comfortable and casual? You can look for inspiration on the internet. Either following the right influencers, looking for hashtags, or Pinterest.
Now that you have an idea of what you want, then look around for those sneakers that stick to your budget, and that will match (in matters of color) with most of your clothing pieces. Seek more inspiration over Pinterest, so you can actually see if what you have will, even if similar, will match will your new sneakers.

It is very important that if it’s possible, you go to a sneaker or shoe store and try the sneakers you want to buy. Why? Because you have to see if they’re comfortable to walk with. I once got myself a pair of sneakers that look really good but they ended up giving me knee pain and making me walk in a weird way, not to mention the constant blisters in my heels.
So the best advice is to try them out, walk with them for a bit in the store, and then buy them there, order them online… there are always great offers online, where you’ll be saving lots. This is the best way to pick comfortable sneakers for spring, and well any other season too.
Fashion should be stylish, yes, but it shouldn’t be making you feel bad or uncomfortable. And this goes to not only clothes but also shoes and accessories. So, whatever you choose to wear, make sure it makes you feel your best while also looking your best.