What Are Essential Oils?
Essential oils are natural items used for thousands of years. They are hydrophobic (not soluble in water) plant extracts with fragrant odors. They have long been used for their medicinal and health benefits, and are now making a reappearance as an effective and safe treatment for a wide range of ailments.
The desire for long, thick hair is understandable, but regular washings, as well as pollution, dust, and wind make hair frizzy, thin, and difficult to manage. Scalp that is dry, flaky, and itchy. Excellent hair care oils will help you to maintain the strength and vitality of your hair. Additionally, oiling is essential for moisturizing your scalp and hair.
Oil protects and shines your hair by forming a protective layer. For better results, add essential oils to your usual hair oil or use essential oils instead of your oil. Essential oils help cure premature greying, hair loss, and dandruff. It enhances scalp blood circulation and hair development. Learn how to use the top five essentials for hair development.
5 Hair Saving Essential Oils
- Lavender Essential Oil

Try lavender essential oil for dry or greasy scalps. Thousands of years of usage have resulted in richer, healthier hair. Many claim it reduced bald areas and increased overall growth. A 2016 study revealed that applying lavender essential oil to mice for four weeks enhanced hair growth.
If your hair is thin, damaged, or you desire more, then try this oil. Also, lavender is inherently relaxing, so when you use a hair mask, your emotions are raised. The aroma helps me sleep and I wake up with healthy soft hair, so it’s a win-win!
- Rosemary Essential Oil

Rosemary essential oil is an excellent choice if you want to increase the thickness and volume of your hair. It boosts the flow of blood to the scalp, which encourages hair growth. In hair growth therapies, it aids in the regeneration of scalp tissue. Thickening hair is made easier by this oil’s anti-inflammatory effects.
Apply a few drops of rosemary oil on your hair and scalp after mixing it with olive or coconut oil. Rinse with a gentle shampoo after around 10 minutes of incubation. As an alternative, you can use this oil in your usual shampoo, conditioner, or hair treatments
- Thyme Essential Oil
Due to its high concentration of thymol, thyme oil has a pungent scent. Hair follicles are rejuvenated, resulting in increased hair growth. The scalp’s blood circulation is also improved as a result of this. The antibacterial properties of the oil aid in the treatment of dandruff and other scalp conditions. The oil is quite potent and should be used sparingly.
- Tea Tree Essential Oil

Antibacterial, antiviral, and fungicidal properties of tea tree essential oil make it ideal for cleansing the hair follicles and the scalp. For those who suffer from dandruff, itchy, or dry scalp, this oil is an excellent option since it will help to stimulate new hair development. 5 percent tea tree oil reduced dandruff statistically in 2002, according to research.
The persistent itching and scratching caused by dandruff destroys the hair follicles and considerably leads to hair loss, which is why it is so important to treat dandruff. So, if you have dandruff, use tea tree essential oil to get to the source of the problem before it worsens.
- Peppermint Essential Oil
Fresh, invigorating, and energizing, peppermint essential oil has been shown to aid with hair development. In the words of Harth, “Applied to the scalp, peppermint has a cooling effect, increasing local blood flow and reducing dryness, irritation, and other unpleasant scalp issues. During the anagen phase of hair development, increased blood flow to the scalp helps provide vital nutrients and oxygen to hair follicles that have been starved.”
Engelman recommends using only a few drops of peppermint essential oil in your shampoo instead of using it as a mask. To avoid damaging your hair, apply the conditioner after your wash and rinse thoroughly after five minutes.
Using techniques like distillation or evaporation, essential oils may be produced from plants. Even though essential oils are most known for their fragrant qualities, they also have powerful chemical characteristics that can be beneficial to health, as well. As a result of their efficiency and minimal risk of adverse effects, essential oils have been utilized in alternative, Eastern, and homeopathic treatment for many years. Some essential oils can improve the health of your hair. In addition to promoting hair growth, certain oils may also strengthen shiny tresses. At a reasonable price, essential oils can boost the health of your hair without causing any harm. In addition, they’re simple to utilize. It’s possible to boost hair growth, strength, or shine by combining some with a carrier oil or shampoo and applying it to the scalp regularly.